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Diabetes Website of the Day

This listing of diabetes websites was started on January 7, 2012.

2013 (on separate page)

January — February — March — April — May — June — July — August — September — October — November — December

2012 (on this page)

January — February — March — April — May — June — July — August — September — October — November — December

December, 2012

  1. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is from the national organisation of Consultant Physicians in Britain who specialise in Diabetes Mellitus.
    Association of British Clinical Diabetologists
    (Added December 27, 2012)

  2. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is by the parents of two kids with type 1 diabetes.
    Diabetes Squared
    (Added December 22, 2012)

  3. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is from a family with two kids with diabetes.
    Parenting Diabetic Kids
    (Added December 15, 2012)

  4. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day has advanced online courses for insulin users and parents/caregivers of insulin users.
    Type-1 University
    (Added December 8, 2012)

  5. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day has an emphasis on teaching you how to bring your blood sugars down to the level that peer reviewed research has shown will prevent complications.
    Blood Sugar 101
    (Added December 1, 2012)
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November, 2012

  1. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day has loads of information about retinopathy.
    (Added November 23, 2012)

  2. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day describes itself as "Your non-depressing guide to Type 2 diabetes"
    Not Medicated Yet
    (Added November 17, 2012)

  3. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is dedicated to supporting children and adolescents with diabetes and their families in Hong Kong.
    Hong Kong Juvenile Diabetes Association
    (Added November 10, 2012)

  4. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day will share stories of hope and encouragement, surviving against all odds, living life to the fullest and other positive stories that show the strength of the human spirit.
    (Added November 4, 2012)
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October, 2012

  1. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is from an organization serving northeast Ohio since 1954.
    Diabetes Partnership of Cleveland
    (Added October 27, 2012)

  2. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day describes itself as a free diagnostic and management tool about diabetes.
    (Added October 21, 2012)

  3. At today's Diabetes Website of the Day you can sign up for free diabetes information from a CDE.
    Steps To Success
    (Added October 14, 2012)

  4. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is a dblog from a
    Diabetes Dad
    (Added October 8, 2012)

  5. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is a dblog about the
    Trials & Tribulations of Being a Type 1 Diabetic
    (Added October 1, 2012)
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September, 2012

  1. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is the Merck Manual's discussion of diabetes.
    Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
    (Added September 28, 2012)

  2. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day discusses Diabetes in Social Media.
    Diabetes in Social Media (at Webicina)
    (Added September 22, 2012)

  3. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is a non-profit social support group set up to connect young people living with T1D in Western Australia.
    Young Western Australian Insulin Takers
    (Added September 18, 2012)

  4. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day has basic information about diabetes and links to lots more info.
    Diabetes (at A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia)
    (Added September 14, 2012)

  5. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day has everything you ever wanted to know about the flu.
    (Added September 11, 2012)

  6. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is from a diabetes researcher.
    The Faustman Lab at Massachusetts General Hospital
    (Added September 7, 2012)

  7. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day describes itself as "an open-access, peer-reviewed, unbiased and up-to-date knowledge base about all aspects of diabetes mellitus."
    (Added September 4, 2012)

  8. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is "Your Diabetes-Minded Search Engine."
    (Added September 1, 2012)
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August, 2012

  1. Today's website is from an endocrinologist who tracks new diabetes devices, software, and innovative systems changes, with a bit of commentary on the side.
    Diabetes Technology
    (Added August 29, 2012)

  2. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day has information about the recently-passed health care reform act in the US and its effects on people with diabetes.
    Questions & Answers about Health Reform and Diabetes
    (Added August 28, 2012)

  3. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is a diabetes blog from Australia.
    (Added August 25, 2012)

  4. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is from the National Library of Medicine.
    (Added August 22, 2012)

  5. Today's website has diabetes-related information tailored to patients with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, with links to FDA web pages and other trusted government web sites.
    Diabetes Information at the FDA.
    (Added August 20, 2012)

  6. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day gives a current overview of individual vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplements.
    Office of Dietary Supplements at the NIH.
    (Added August 16, 2012)

  7. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is the diabetes section of WebMD.
    Diabetes Health Center
    (Added August 13, 2012)

  8. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day has information about WDD 2012 (which will be November 14).
    World Diabetes Day
    (Added August 10, 2012)

  9. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
    (Added August 7, 2012)

  10. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is a diabetes hints site for people with diabetes, by those who have been affected by it.
    (Added August 3, 2012)

  11. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is a blog that points out that "life with diabetes isn't all bad."
    (Added August 1, 2012)
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July, 2012

  1. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is a blog about "Living Normally With Diabetes."
    The Life of a Diabetic
    (Added July 30, 2012)

  2. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day has the introductory paragraphs from recent blogs.
    The Dblog Tribune
    (Added July 27, 2012)

  3. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is a potentially useful website modeled after Wikipedia. Unfortunately, a random look at the website showed inadequate discussions and inadequate references, misinformation, and outdated information. For example, Lilly no longer is selling Actos nor Byetta in the USA; the definition of "type 3 diabetes" is bizarre. Anyone contemplating using this website is warned not to trust the information provided, unless it is well-referenced.
    Diabetes Wiki
    (Added July 23, 2012)

  4. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day has the blood glucose logs, training notes, thoughts, and experiences of a type 1 diabetic competitive endurance mountain biker.
    Type 1 Rider Organization
    (Added July 20, 2012)

  5. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is a food blog that has recipe ideas for those who want to eat healthy Indian foods.
    Spices and aroma
    (Added July 18, 2012)

  6. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is dedicated to all people living with, caring for, or interested in diabetes.
    The Blue Heel Society
    (Added July 16, 2012)

  7. Today's website is by a licensed psychotherapist who has T1DM.
    Therapeutic Diabetic Services
    (Added July 14, 2012)

  8. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day has diabetes-friendly recipes from Paula Deen.
    Diabetes in a new light
    (Added July 11, 2012)

  9. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is a blog by a type 1 diabetic athlete.
    (Added July 9, 2012)

  10. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is a research study that is looking for the causes of type 1 diabetes mellitus.
    TEDDY study - The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young
    (Added July 6, 2012)

  11. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is the Disney's type 1 diabetes website.
    Type 1 Diabetes
    (Added July 3, 2012)

  12. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day advocates for access to insulin pumps and diabetes technology in the UK.
    (Added July 1, 2012)
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June, 2012

  1. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is an online community that helps you manage your diabetes and share stories.
    Diabetic Friend
    (Added June 28, 2012)

  2. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is a listing of a series of articles about diabetes nutrition, from the US Department of Agriculture.
    Diabetes Management in School and Child Care
    (Added June 26, 2012)

  3. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is a Canadian website "Dedicated to Advocacy, Awareness, Education and Support" for those living with type 1 diabetes.
    Diabetes Advocacy
    (Added June 24, 2012)

  4. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is a source of information for anyone interested in health and especially for pre-diabetics and diabetics that features content about diabetes, its complications and the importance of self-management.
    Defeat Diabetes Foundation
    (Added June 23, 2012)

  5. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is from a clinical psychologist who has T1DM.
    Positive Diabetes
    (Added June 20, 2012)

  6. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is "a community for people with type 1 diabetes and their caregivers to meet, share, and learn from each other while contributing to innovative research."
    (Added June 19, 2012)

  7. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is from JAN (the Job Accommodation Network) and is designed to help employers comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
    Accommodation and Compliance Series: Employees with Diabetes
    (Added June 18, 2012)

  8. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is "the world's first organization dedicated to tackling the unmet psychological needs of people with diabetes."
    Behavioral Diabetes Institute
    (Added June 16, 2012)

  9. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day continues a series highlighting insulin pump manufacturers.
    Tandem Diabetes Care (Name of pump: t:slim)
    (Added June 15, 2012)

  10. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is a multicomponent educational program on diabetes designed for primary care physicians, endocrinologists, diabetologists, cardiologists, and other healthcare professionals involved in the care and management of patients with diabetes.
    National Diabetes Education Initiative
    (Added June 14, 2012)

  11. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day concludes a series highlighting continuous glucose monitoring manufacturers.
    Medtronic, Inc (Name of CGM: Medtronic Revel™ System / Guardian CGM)
    (Added June 13, 2012)

  12. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day starts a series highlighting continuous glucose monitoring manufacturers.
    Dexcom, Inc. (Name of CGM: SEVEN® PLUS CGM System)
    (Added June 7, 2012)

  13. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day continues a series highlighting insulin pump manufacturers.
    SOOIL Development Company (Name of pump: DANA Diabecare)
    (Added June 6, 2012)

  14. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day continues a series highlighting insulin pump manufacturers.
    Roche Diagnostics (previously Disetronic) (Name of pump: Accu-Chek Spirit)
    (Added June 5, 2012)

  15. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day continues a series highlighting insulin pump manufacturers.
    Medtronic, Inc. (Name of pump: Paradigm Revel)
    (Added June 4, 2012)

  16. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day continues a series highlighting insulin pump manufacturers.
    Insulet Corporation (Name of pump: OmniPod)
    (Added June 3, 2012)

  17. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day starts a series highlighting insulin pump manufacturers, presented alphabetically by company name.
    Animas Corporation (Name of pump: OneTouch Ping)
    (Added June 2, 2012)

  18. A nonprofit corporation formed to promote diabetes and pregnancy guidelines through education.
    Sweet Success Express
    (Added June 1, 2012)
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May, 2012

  1. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day provides consumers and health care professionals with simply written information on diabetes care.
    Learning About Diabetes
    (Added May 31, 2012)

  2. Today's website is a discussion in the journal Diabetes Metabolism Research and Reviews
    Insulin’s discovery: New insights on its ninetieth birthday
    (Added May 30, 2012)

  3. Today's website has nutrition information from a dietitian who's a CDE.
    (Added May 29, 2012)

  4. JDRF has a different website in Australia than in the US...
    (Added May 28, 2012)

  5. Today's website is a blog from a mother of a child with T1DM.
    Houston . . . We have a PROBLEM!
    (Added May 27, 2012)

  6. Mom is petitioning Mattel to create a Diabetic Barbie doll. Sign the petition!
    Mom of an extra sweet insulin challenged girl
    (Added May 26, 2012)

  7. "This family friendly website was created as a continuation for everyone ~ The symptoms, diagnosis and supplies are just the beginning"
    Mommy, what is Type-1 Diabetes?
    (Added May 25, 2012)

  8. Today's website describes itself as "your FRIENDLY guide on a prickly topic"
    the diabetes resource
    (Added May 24, 2012)

  9. Website of the nation's first and leading Jewish non-profit, non-sectarian health organization devoted to diabetes education and advocacy.
    Jewish Diabetes
    (Added May 23, 2012)

  10. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is from a Certified Diabetes Educator who is also a Registered Dietitian and Marriage and Family therapist.
    (Added May 22, 2012)

  11. "A personal resource to learn, explore, ask questions, interact and share your experiences of living with diabetes, or caring for people with diabetes."
    (Added May 21, 2012)

  12. The website of an organization focusing on islet replacement without immunosuppression as a cure for diabetes.
    The Islet Foundation
    (Added May 20, 2012)

  13. Website of a foundation dedicated to the memory of one of the co-discoverers of insulin.
    The Sir Frederick Banting Legacy Foundation
    (Added May 19, 2012)

  14. A blog from a family man with diabetes, and the sarcastic opinions of his pancreas.
    The Frizbian
    (Added May 18, 2012)

  15. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day has hundreds of diabetic-friendly recipes and tips.
    Diabetic Cooking
    (Added May 17, 2012)

  16. Everything you needed to know about glucagon, and much more.
    (Added May 16, 2012)

  17. The website of a non-profit organization with a goal to improve the health of people with diabetes, based in Philadelphia.
    Diabetes Education and Research Center
    (Added May 15, 2012)

  18. Today's website has photos of old, and very old, insulin pumps.
    The evolution of pumps
    (Added May 14, 2012)

  19. Information from the New York Online Access to Health website.
    Diabetes (English)     Diabetes (Spanish)
    (Added May 13, 2012)

  20. Today's Website of the Day is a diabetes program that is a leader in innovation, education and research; it is located in Minneapolis.
    International Diabetes Center
    (Added May 12, 2012)

  21. Today's website is the on-line version of a classic diabetes book. Some of you might recall its earlier nickname, The "Pink Panther" book.
    Understanding Diabetes
    (Added May 11, 2012)

  22. Educational resources and information from the Diabetes Teaching Center at the University of California, San Francisco
    Diabetes Education Online
    (Added May 10, 2012)

  23. A website and magazine dedicated to diabetic dining and healthy living.
    Diabetic Gourmet Magazine
    (Added May 9, 2012)

  24. Today's website is a forum for motorcycle riders who also happen to be insulin dependent.
    Riding Motorcycles on Insulin
    (Added May 8, 2012)

  25. A blog about the adventures of adjusting to life with diabetes.
    The 9 inch plate
    (Added May 7, 2012)

  26. Today's website is from one of the largest diabetes programs specializing in type 1 diabetes research and care.
    Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes
    (Added May 6, 2012)

  27. Today's website has diabetes information from GSK, a manufacturer of diabetes medications.
    (Added May 5, 2012)

  28. Today's Website of the Day has essays about many diabetes subjects, from One-Touch.
    Understanding Diabetes
    (Added May 4, 2012)

  29. Today's website is an internet review journal with a focus on trends in clinical diabetes.
    International Diabetes Monitor
    (Added May 3, 2012)

  30. A blog from Scott Johnson, who has had T1D since 1980.
    Scott's Diabetes
    (Added May 2, 2012)

  31. Today's website has lots of diabetes information from an endocrinologist in Iowa.
    My Diabetes Home
    (Added May 1, 2012)
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April, 2012

  1. A blog that is a daily brew of Coffee and Conversation, Poetry and Prose about the ups and downs of living with Type 1 diabetes.
    The Diabetic's Corner Booth
    (Added April 30, 2012)

  2. A blog by a person with T1D who calls himself a Born Again Diabetic "because I felt like I was starting over, but I also call myself Ninjabetic because it takes being a ninja to live successfully with diabetes."
    Ninjabetic - The B.A.D. Blog
    (Added April 29, 2012)

  3. Today's website is that of a collective of individuals and organizations that offer expertise, resources, and support to those touched by diabetes
    Diabetes Advocates
    (Added April 28, 2012)

  4. A website "Providing information for patients and professionals on research and clinical care in genetic types of diabetes."
    Diabetes Genes
    (Added April 27, 2012)

  5. The website of the only international society focusing specifically on all types of childhood diabetes.
    International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes
    (Added April 26, 2012)

  6. FEND is a European non-profit organisation for nurses working in the field of diabetes.
    Foundation of European Nurses in Diabetes
    (Added April 25, 2012)

  7. Todays's Diabetes Website of the Day is a blog about managing life, one blood sugar at a time.
    diabetes 24-7
    (Added April 24, 2012)

  8. Today's website discusses diabetes and pregnancy, fertility issues, gestational diabetes, parenting, and women's issues
    (Added April 23, 2012)

  9. JDRF's website in the UK for young people with type 1 diabetes
    (Added April 22, 2012)

  10. Today's Website of the Day is part of
    Type 2 Diabetes
    (Added April 21, 2012)

  11. Today's website promises fresh information and real support, fueled by an active, caring community.
    Diabetic Connect
    (Added April 20, 2012)

  12. Organizations that obtain and donate diabetes supplies.
    Insulin For Life USA and Insulin For Life Australia. Other affiliates are listed at IFL Affiliates.
    (Added April 19, 2012)

  13. Diabetes information from the Public Health Agency of Canada.
    (Added April 18, 2012)

  14. Diabetes information from another major diabetes company, Novo Nordisk.
    Diabetes care
    (Added April 17, 2012)

  15. Today's website is the blog of a pumper with T1DM, who is "friendly, sarcastic, [and a] lover of lowercase."
    with a side of insulin
    (Added April 16, 2012)

  16. Information from a pharmaceutical company (Eli Lilly) that has been involved since 1923 in pioneering therapies to help improve the lives of people with diabetes.
    (Added April 15, 2012)

  17. Today's website is from an organization which is dedicated to improving the lives and health of college students with diabetes.
    College Diabetes Network
    (Added April 14, 2012)

  18. Today's website is a blog with "Stories of a Misbehaved Gland."
    Cranky Pancreas
    (Added April 13, 2012)

  19. Their mission is to support activities related to education for and about children with diabetes.
    Diabetes Scholars Foundation
    (Added April 12, 2012)

  20. Today's Website of the Day has practical tips from a Canadian diabetologist.
    Dr. Ian Blumer's Practical Guide to Diabetes
    (Added April 11, 2012)

  21. A husband and wife, both with diabetes, have a website they describe as "the source for the healthy diabetic."
    A Sweet Life
    (Added April 10, 2012)

  22. Today's website is about the favourite mascot and cuddly friend of Diabetes Christchurch and 36 other diabetes societies throughout New Zealand
    Barnaby Bee
    (Added April 9, 2012)

  23. Team Type 1 is "A grassroots initiative to motivate people to take control of their diabetes using cycling as a platform. It grew to become a world-class athletic program for athletes with diabetes, including a professional men's cycling team [and] a global sports organization changing the lives of people with diabetes around the world."
    Team Type 1
    (Added April 8, 2012)

  24. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day has lots of Continuous Glucose Monitoring information (many sections require registration, but anyone can register for free).
    The CGM Resource Center
    (Added April 7, 2012)

  25. JDRF has a different website in the UK than in the US...
    (Added April 6, 2012)

  26. The Indian Health Service (IHS) Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention is responsible for developing, documenting, and sustaining clinical and public health efforts to treat and prevent diabetes in American Indians and Alaska Natives.
    IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention
    (Added April 5, 2012)

  27. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is "your source for everything related to Eating Disturbances in Type 1 Diabetes."
    DWED (Diabetics with Eating Disorders)
    (Added April 4, 2012)

  28. Today's website is "a resource for people with diabetes and related issues."
    (Added April 3, 2012)

  29. A blog by Kelly Kunik: "Busting Diabetes Myths, Perpetuating Diabetes Realities, & Spreading Diabetes Validation through Humor, Diabetes Ownership & Advocacy."
    (Added April 2, 2012)

  30. This website was created by two registered dietitians with a specialization in diabetes.
    Reality Bites
    (Added April 1, 2012)
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March, 2012

  1. Today's website of the day is another long-running diabetes blog.
    Your Diabetes May Vary
    (Added March 31, 2012)

  2. This website's mission is to improve the health and wellness of patients with diabetes
    (Added March 30, 2012)

  3. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is a magazine from the ADA.
    Diabetes Forecast
    (Added March 29, 2012)

  4. A merged website, which now includes an old favorite, the Diabetes Exercise and Sports Association.
    (Added March 28, 2012)

  5. DSMA "is involved with and promotes social media in all its forms to empower people affected by diabetes and to connect them with each other to foster support and education."
    Diabetes Social Media Advocacy
    (Added March 27, 2012)

  6. "We believe life should be sweet, even if you are living with diabetes. Welcome to an online community that features content from people affected by diabetes."
    Living the Sweet Life
    (Added March 26, 2012)

  7. A blog from Kate, who has T2DM.
    Sweet Success: My life with Type 2 Diabetes
    (Added March 25, 2012)

  8. A website providing diabetic recipes, information about diabetes, diabetes news, diabetes resources and tools.
    Diabetic Gourmet Magazine
    (Added March 24, 2012)

  9. Listen to and watch diabetes experts give their scientific presentations.
    (Added March 23, 2012)

  10. A "website is dedicated to bringing a free, non-promotional, editorially independent e-mail newsletter to a global audience about developments and news in diabetes, and is primarily aimed at health professionals."
    (Added March 22, 2012)

  11. Students With Diabetes aims to create a community and connection point for college students.
    Students With Diabetes
    (Added March 21, 2012)

  12. Nicole Johnson is Miss America 1999 as well as a diabetes advocate
    Nicole Johnson’s Official Website
    (Added March 20, 2012)

  13. TrialNet is a network of 18 Clinical Centers dedicated to the study, prevention, and early treatment of type 1 diabetes
    Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet
    (Added March 19, 2012)

  14. From the Indian Task Force on Diabetes Care
    (Added March 18, 2012)

  15. Today's website is about a race car driver who has diabetes.
    Charlie Kimball
    (Added March 17, 2012)

  16. Today's Diabetes Website is "your resource for information and helpful tips on how to control your blood sugar levels to help manage your diabetes successfully."
    Blood Sugar Basics
    (Added March 16, 2012)

  17. Today's website is a resource to help Americans understand the Affordable Care Act and how the health care law impacts them.
    (Added March 15, 2012)

  18. The sweet life with a diabetic child
    D-Mom Blog
    (Added March 14, 2012)

  19. A website "providing clinical resources and real-life support to those with life-changing conditions along with wellness resources and interactive tools."
    Diabetes at HealthCentral
    (Added March 13, 2012)

  20. "A diabetes blog with wildly fluctuating topics ranging from humor to serious stuff to miscellaneous musings on the diabetes news of the week by a type 2 diabetes patient/expert and author." By Gretchen Becker.
    Wildly Fluctuating
    (Added March 12, 2012)

  21. A website "dedicated to supporting prevention and treatment of diabetes in developing countries."
    World Diabetes Foundation
    (Added March 11, 2012)

  22. The website for "The global diabetes community"
    (Added March 10, 2012)

  23. Nick Jona's website discusses his diabetes.
    Nick J Online
    (Added March 9, 2012)

  24. Bret Michael's website mentions his diabetes.
    Diabetes Awareness
    (Added March 8, 2012)

  25. A blog/website by two sisters with T1DM.
    The Girl’s Guide to Diabetes
    (Added March 7, 2012)

  26. "Wellness with a wow!"
    (Added March 6, 2012)

  27. "The Most Comprehensive Diabetes News Aggregator on the Web"
    (Added March 5, 2012)

  28. The website of the World Health Organization's diabetes program.
    WHO Diabetes Programme
    (Added March 4, 2012)

  29. Art by a artist who has T1DM
    Diabetes Revealed
    (Added March 3, 2012)

  30. An organization for "scientists, physicians, laboratory workers, nurses and students from all over the world who are interested in diabetes and related subjects." (Has webcasts of presentations given at their meetings, at
    European Association for the Study of Diabetes
    (Added March 2, 2012)

  31. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day is a blog by the mom of a son with T1DM.
    A Shot in the Dark
    (Added March 1, 2012)
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February, 2012

  1. Today's website is a employment-related collaborative effort of several organizations.
    (February 29, 2012)

  2. Today's website is that of the endocrinologists' organization, AACE, "The Voice of Clinical Endocrinology."
    American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists
    (February 28, 2012)

  3. A 7-part series about "Understanding Diabetes" -- aimed at kids, but with lots of info for everyone. At
    Health Nuts Media
    (February 27, 2012)

  4. Today's Diabetes Website of the Day provides information and support for people with type 2 diabetes
    Type 2 Diabetics Zone
    (February 26, 2012)

  5. Today's website is the blog of a pumper who's "meandering through lada diabetes."
    d-meanderings (She also has a long list of other diabetes blogs at
    (February 25, 2012)

  6. The website of a writer with diabetes.
    Diabetes Stories
    (February 24, 2012)

  7. Certification for diabetes educators is available in the US and Canada:
    National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators and
    The Canadian Diabetes Educator Certification Board
    (February 23, 2012)

  8. Blog of a ballet dancer who has type 1 diabetes
    A Diabetic Ballerina
    (February 22, 2012)

  9. The purpose of this web site is to provide a place for people to share their experiences with children on the insulin pump.
    (February 21, 2012)

  10. The website of a dietitian who is a diabetes educator and author.
    Hope Warshaw
    (February 20, 2012)

  11. A British organisation for people living with diabetes run by people living with diabetes
    Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust
    (February 19, 2012)

  12. MedicAlert is a nonprofit organization providing 24-hour emergency medical information and identification service.
    MedicAlert Foundation
    (February 18, 2012)

  13. An organization dedicated to tackling the unmet psychological needs of people with diabetes.
    Behavioral Diabetes Institute
    (February 17, 2012)

  14. Juvenation is "a vibrant social network created especially for and by people with type 1 diabetes and their loved ones."
    (February 16, 2012)

  15. Pump Wear is committed to both children and adults who have a connection to diabetes.
    Pump Wear
    (February 15, 2012)

  16. All kids with diabetes should be encouraged to participate in diabetes camping.
    Diabetes Education & Camping Association
    (February 14, 2012)

  17. Another diabetes magazine with lots of on-line info.
    Diabetes Health
    (February 13, 2012)

  18. The mission of Diabetes Sisters is to improve the health and quality of life of women with diabetes, and to advocate on their behalf.
    Diabetes Sisters
    (February 12, 2012)

  19. A handy-dandy blood sugar converter.
    Blood Sugar Conversion
    (February 11, 2012)

  20. A website committed to sharing information about diabetes management.
    Diabetes Daily
    (February 10, 2012)

  21. Today's website explains clinical research trials.
    NIH Clinical Research Trials and You
    (February 9, 2012)

  22. The Discovery of Insulin at the Nobel Prize website. Includes
    Banting's and
    Macleod's Nobel Lectures.
    (February 8, 2012)

  23. Wellness Inspiring Comedy from the Glucose Goddess.
    (February 7, 2012)

  24. The home of the American dietitians' organization.
    Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
    (February 6, 2012)

  25. A website with research and product news for people with diabetes.
    (February 5, 2012)

  26. Today's Diabetes Website Of The Day is about the business of diabetes, written by Kelly Close.
    Close Concerns
    (February 4, 2012)

  27. This website provides information, education and support for people with diabetes.
    Diabetes Monitor
    (February 3, 2012)

  28. An organization that provides health care professionals with scientific information about diabetes and educational initiatives.
    (February 2, 2012)

  29. An exercise physiologist writes about diabetes.
    (February 1, 2012)
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January, 2012

  1. Today's Diabetes Website Of The Day is about an organization that runs diabetes conferences.
    (Added January 31, 2012)

  2. The US organization for Diabetes Educators.
    American Association of Diabetes Educators
    (Added January 30, 2012)

  3. This website has lots of general information for anyone interested in diabetes, and has an emphasis on issues about visual impairment.
    National Federation of the Blind - Diabetes Action Network
    (Added January 29, 2012)

  4. One of the oldest diabetes websites on the 'net.
    David Mendosa: A Writer About Diabetes
    (Added January 28, 2012)

  5. Today's Website Of The Day is focused on the needs of people with pumps and/or CGM.
    Insulin Pumpers
    (Added January 27, 2012)

  6. "A community of people touched by diabetes:"
    (Added January 26, 2012)

  7. The blog of Kerri Sparling.
    Six Until Me
    (Added January 25, 2012)

  8. The other national diabetes organization "down under."
    Diabetes New Zealand
    (Added January 24, 2012)

  9. One of the two national diabetes organizations "down under."
    Diabetes Australia
    (Added January 23, 2012)

  10. Another diabetes magazine with lots of on-line info.
    Diabetes Self-Management
    (Added January 22, 2012)

  11. A diabetes magazine with lots of on-line info.
    (Added January 21, 2012)

  12. Another major diabetes research organization.
    Diabetes Research Institute
    (Added January 20, 2012)

  13. A major diabetes treatment/education/research center.
    Joslin Diabetes Center
    (Added January 19, 2012)

  14. A private website run by a CDE, who has lots of good info on-line as well as books and other stuff for sale.
    Diabetes Mall
    (Added January 18, 2012)

  15. Another US government website with a wealth of information about diabetes.
    CDC's Division of Diabetes Translation
    (Added January 17, 2012)

  16. The home of the blue circle and World Diabetes Day.
    International Diabetes Federation
    (Added January 16, 2012)

  17. Our friends to the north should all know this website already:
    Canadian Diabetes Association
    (Added January 15, 2012)

  18. Today's website is another specialty diabetes website; it is owned and administered by a cat-owning (and cat-loving) physician.
    Feline Diabetes
    (Added January 14, 2012)

  19. A diabetes website that all families with children with diabetes should be aware of...
    Children with Diabetes
    (Added January 13, 2012)

  20. Another US government website:
    National Diabetes Education Program
    (Added January 12, 2012)

  21. One of many excellent private websites I'll be listing...
    Diabetes Mine
    (Added January 11, 2012)

  22. I'd guess that some of you are wondering whether I'll list one or the others of these first, so I'll list them both on the same day:
    (Added January 10, 2012)

  23. I'd guess that some of you are wondering whether I'll list one or the others of these first, so I'll list them both on the same day:
    American Diabetes Association
    (Added January 10, 2012)

  24. Here's a privately-owned website you should be aware of:
    (Added January 9, 2012)

  25. And for the second day, the choice is Diabetes UK.
    Diabetes UK
    (Added January 8, 2012)

  26. The first website to be listed is the
    National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse
    (Added January 7, 2012)
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Websites selected by William W Quick, MD, FACP, FACE



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